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About Us

Crosby Dance Studio is a family-owned and operated business that was passed down from mother to daughter. As a young woman Betty Jean Crosby started Crosby Dance Studio with her brother in Denver, Colorado. The studio followed Betty Jean to Wisconsin when she met her husband and has been a staple in Oshkosh and surrounding communities since. She taught in pretty much any possible venue upon her arrival in Wisconsin- including gymnasiums and banquet halls. Once her daughter Chris was old enough, she began teaching and introduced the style of Jazz to her students. In 1992, Crosby Dance Studio sprouted roots and purchased our current building on North Main Street in Oshkosh. For years Betty Jean and Chris worked side by side, even as Betty Jean phased out of teaching and started managing the studio office. Chris started a family and had two kids who were both closely involved with the studio. Her daughter Samee still works at the dance studio, creating a new mother-daughter partnership in the business.

At Crosby Dance Studio we pride ourselves on being a family-friendly environment. We want to not only teach dancers proper technique but to instill poise, passion and a love for dance. We look at each dancer as an individual, find what makes them shine and encourage them to showcase their individuality. We are home to many accomplished young dancers in the community including; 5 time local “Miss America” pageant titleholder Desiree Geffers, Miss Oshkosh 2014 Samee Pech and the first-ever Miss Oshkosh’s Outstanding Teen 2014 Deagan Maki.

Chris Pech

Artistic Director, Owner and Teacher

Chris is an accomplished dancer in many different styles of dance with over 40 years of dance instruction experience. She started dancing when she was three years old training under her mother Betty Jean. She trained at Girodano Dance Chicago as well as at many studios in California. Chris was named the Most Promising Model of Winnebago County and also competed in the Miss Oshkosh Pageant in 1982, winning the title of Miss Congeniality. She has choreographed for the Miss Wisconsin Pageant, dance teams, plays and musicals. Chris prides herself on continuing her dance education by attending as many dance conventions as she can. She has trained with Tremaine Dance Conventions for 38 years as well as attending JUMP Dance Convention and The Dance Teacher Summit. Chris teaches, manages the business and is constantly looking for new ways to connect with her students. She strongly believes that making the studio a second home for her dancers is the most important piece of dance education. When she’s not at the studio she is baking, spending time with her two cocker spaniels or hanging out on the beach.

Chris focuses individuality not only with herself but also with her dancers. Her choreography is always unique and tailored specifically to boost confidence in each dancer.

Samee Pech

Assistant Artistic Director and Teacher

Samee has over 20 years of dance experience in many different styles including Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Fusion and Contemporary. As of December 2021, Samee is a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. She won the title of Miss Oshkosh 2014 and went on to compete at Miss Wisconsin 2014 with dance as her talent. Samee was also chosen via audition to receive a convention scholarship to Dance League to further her dance education. Just like her mother, Samee loves to further her dance education by taking classes at dance conventions- like Tremaine Dance Conventions, JUMP Dance Conventions, and The Dance Teacher Summit, as well as attend online classes with professional industry choreographers. She has modeled for local children’s clothing boutiques and as a teen modeled for Marcea Dance Costumes. Samee spent all 4 years of high school on the Oshkosh North Varsity Dance Team, competing with her team in the styles of Pom, Kick and Jazz with a few visits to the WACPC State Dance Team Competition. Samee graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Relations from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She manages digital marketing and communications for the studio, as well as teaching and assisting with classes. Right after college, Samee was chosen to be the “Squad Leader” for Shaping Sound Dance Company to promote their upcoming show in Appleton, Wisconsin. When Samee is not at the studio she is either reading in her hammock, working out or searching Spotify for new music.

Samee emphasizes the importance of integrity, not only seeking honesty through movement, but seeking honesty in deep connections with every dancer that walks through the door.

Crosby Dance Studio is “A Step in the Right Direction”